How to draw MDF in 6 steps (DIYer guide)-Bob Vila

2021-11-24 11:13:33 By : Mr. David Chen

Written by Jennifer Noonan and Bob Vila | Published at 10:00 AM, January 24, 2017

Medium-density fiberboard, or MDF for short, is now common in furniture and home construction. Cheap engineered wood materials-composite materials of sawdust and resin, fused together in a high temperature and high pressure process-have 4'× 8'boards and smaller project size boards, with thicknesses ranging from 1/4" to 1", Much like plywood.

But unlike plywood, which is made of many veneer veneers, MDF does not have the knots, loops, and textures of solid wood. result? A composition that is very easy to cut, so it is often used in high-end applications such as custom decoration work and cabinets. In addition, its hard and smooth surface is very suitable for veneers and paint.

However, painting MDF requires an understanding of the material: it comes from the factory polished to a smoothness of 150 grit, so the surface is ready for painting, but the edges are more porous—almost fuzzy—and some preparation is required to get a smooth, uniform finish. In addition, the porosity of the material also makes it unsuitable for the initial coating of water-based products. Follow the guide here to learn how to draw MDF, your color project will become great!

If you are working on a piece of furniture, remove all hardware and set it aside until the paint is completely dry. Then use drip cloth to protect the work area to make cleaning easier. MDF will produce a lot of dust when sanding, and small particles will irritate the eyes and lungs, so be sure to wear protective glasses and tight-fitting dust masks.

Whether your MDF project has factory edges or custom wiring, the edges must be sealed to accept paint that matches the smoother surface of the material. Use your fingers to apply a thick layer of drywall compound to the edges to seal the edges. After it is completely dry, sand the edges with 220 grit sandpaper. Fill any scratches on the MDF surface with drywall compound, because once painted, any scratches or scratches will be very obvious. Sand the whole piece with 220 grit sandpaper, and then wipe it all clean with a sticky cloth to remove fine dust and any remaining dirt or debris.

Use solvent-based primers such as Zinsser (buy online) or KILZ (buy online) to prime MDF. Avoid using water-based primers, as it may cause the wood fibers to swell, causing the surface to look raised and textured (no matter how hard you polish it). Use a brush, roller or spray gun to apply the primer-whichever is suitable for the project.

You can use your favorite paint on the primed MDF, and you can use your favorite applicator (brush, roller or spray gun) to apply the topcoat-whichever is best for the project. Once the first coat of paint is dry to the touch, assess whether your work requires a second coat. If you find any spots, please cover the entire MDF project with another layer of paint.

Let the paint dry completely. Then, if you want your MDF project to be used every day to protect your paint job, use your preferred sealant (polyurethane, lacquer, wax, etc.). For example, painted cabinet doors can benefit from an additional wear protection layer; on the other hand, MDF crown molding is out of reach, so no sealant is required.

When the project is completely dry, replace any hardware you may have removed, then take a step back and appreciate your work. After being painted, the MDF looks like any other painted wood. In fact, DIY enthusiasts can make custom decorations, wainscots or furniture, partly with MDF and partly with wood, and once painted, the final work will seamlessly blend together.

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